We meet each Sunday for worship, and during special seasons like Advent (the month before Christmas) and Lent (the 6 weeks before Easter), we often have mid-week services. These teams work together to plan and create these services.
Altar Guild: This group prepares the worship space.
Hospitality Teams: Groups take turns providing hospitality, ushering, and organization for a service.
Acolytes: Folks that tend to worship needs during the service like lighting candles and more.
Worship Volunteers: Audio/Visual volunteers, readers, assisting ministers, and more.
Fellowship/Coffee Hour: Different families provide coffee and cookies each week after worship.
Music Ministries
Special Offering: Many members of our community have musical gifts to offer to God in an act of worship during a service. If you're interested in serving in this way, be in touch!
To get involved with music ministries, connect with office@slcmv.org